Friday, April 27, 2012

this past week...

Hello there! My gracious this week has flown by... I can't believe I haven't posted at all since last Friday! Not much exciting has been happening.. just lots of busy goodness! Here's a wrap-up of my week...
Saturday: watched Top Gear on dvd with Kell, started a new book, grocery shopped, watched a movie, cooked dinner, painted, SNL.
Sunday: woke up late, church, laundry, cleaned, cooked dinner, went to my dear friend, Krista's house and baked cookies while she graded papers! good fun! :)
Monday: work, speed cleaning frenzy, hung out with our small group at Meghan and Nate's house getting their nursery ready for baby Lucas!
Tuesday: work, refilled kell's coffee a bunch while he studied, worked on a special custom website illustration project for a client, and updated the look of my blog (you like??).
Wednesday: work, came home to my SAINT of a husband shampooing and steam cleaning our carpets and couches! Yeah.. I'm a lucky lady! Went out for beers with my gal pal Amy (we share great fun and many laughs together)!
Thursday: work, organized our bedroom and closets, small group with our church buddies.
Friday: work, library, frozen yogurt and berry wind-down, and now I'm blogging!
I'm pretty positive more excercising (or any at all) should have been in that agenda.. so here's to trying next week! :) ha
Later tonight I'll be painting and drinking wine.
Tomorrow, I'll be in DeLand fishing and hanging out with my family!
Here are some pictures to compliment the wrap-up above...
I love a full fridge after grocery shopping..


Kell with the shampoo/steamer.. seriously.. I couldn't believe what I saw when I came up the stairs to him doing this and the house looking like this. Shock and amazement!


Don't barf. Isn't this disgusting?? What filth.. and we've only been living here 8 months. That's apartment living for you! Glad to know buckets and buckets of that nastiness are gone now. Thanks Kell!


Meet Ms. Moremen's 1st grade class pal, Bottlebot! Isn't he cool? They spent all week collecting recyclables and made him to celebrate earth day :) Check out his sporky hair!


Here's a little snap shot, sneak peak of the special design project I'm working on for a client's website... much more to come!

And finally... here I am, indulging in a chilly sweet treat after a good and busy week!

Happy weekend everyone! Enjoy the outdoors :)


  1. I'm amazed at all the fresh fruits and veggies in your fridge! That's awesome!

  2. anna,
    loved the blog update and all the pics. But I really loved the last pic of you! You have never looked prettier!
