Monday, November 7, 2011

i love volunteering

For almost 5 years I volunteered with an amzing ministry called Young Life. I loved every second of it! Serving with that organization and ministry is exactly where I needed to be for that time in my life. I was able to show middle and high school students that they matter and are someone to love and be loved by others and most wonderfully, Christ! Also while volunteering with Young Life I myself met and began following Christ.. I met my husband.. made forever friends.. and learned that I love volunteering.

When Kell and I moved and transitioned from being Young Life volunteers to Young Life supporters... I knew the decision was right... however I suddenly felt strange about all the free time I would have. Would I use it wisely? I hoped.

And for the most part I did, I made straight A's that semester, graduated and got a decent job. Still never chose to keep up with the laundry, but I felt good about where my time and efforts were going. Now.. about a year after graduating and working full-time... I'm ready to jump back into some volunteer work!

I have always loved gardening and being outdoors. My favorite place to be in all of Orlando is Palmers Garden. All of the plants and flowers in my potted arrangements that I share on here are from Palmers. Everyone is so friendly and helpful and the garden is such a pleasant place to walk around and make selections. As much as I enjoy my 10 x 4 patio and collection of potted plants.. I sure would love some time to REALLY garden.. so on my last visit in I asked them if they could use some volunteer help. They seemed both equally surprised that anyone would want to do outdoor manual labor in florida for free and excited to have me start helping.

I spent 4 hours there on Sunday and enjoyed myself entirely. I was worried that I might just get in the way.... but I finished the day having comeptleted a lot of good work and felt like I was really able to help them!

I can already tell from 4 hours there that I'm going to learn so much!

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