1. Visit the beach for a sunrise.
2. Get my hair cut.
3. Make marbleized art for our bedroom.
4. Find and cook ALL new recipes for dinner this week .
5. Post about our Anniversary trip to Charleston.
6. Finish and send out my “Lovely Package”.
7. Find a cute sewing pattern to make a shirt out of some pretty fabric I found.
9. Get a gym membership.
10. Laundry.
12. Finish a cross-word puzzle with Kell.
14. Drink tea everyday.
15. Go on a bike ride with Kell.
17. Blog 7 days in a row (ambitious I know!)
Me, thoroughly enjoying an early morning on the lake all by my lonesome. (after many attempts at setting the timer to my camera on someones dock and back-paddling like a maniac.. I finally got a good one).
"Good Morning Ducks!"
"Good Morning Water Lily, you look lovely!"
A BEAUTIFUL morning on the lake!
My bunch of fresh and lovely flowers.
My new book.. It should be good.. I'm interested in seeing how it's different from the movie, I hear it's a lot darker!
I'm happy with my progress so far :)
setting a camera on a dock, set self-timer, back paddling furiously, paused,then smile. I love it!