Thursday, December 23, 2010

on graduating and more of the home tour

Big news! I finally graduated college.. it took me 5 years but I did it! I'm all done now and to be completely honest I'm not so sure what to do with myself.. I've been a student my whole life and it's a weird feeling knowing I may not ever enter another classroom. Also.. I've been trying to make straight A's for forever but always manage to make 4 A's and 1 B.. but never straight A's.. so frustrating! Well this semester.. my LAST semester and LAST chance.. I did it and I'm so proud of myself. So, that I worked hard and was studying all the time is in part the reason I've neglected the blog and have taken so long to get the apartment all decorated. But now I've graduated in the last 2 weeks have managed to get lots and lots done.. including pics of the place! Hurrah! This post will feature the living room and our bedroom. Kitchen, dining and bath room pics still to come!

Happy Happy Christmas everyone! I have a post written up and all ready to show you some pretty homemade gifts I created this year.. will publish after everyone gets them!


  1. You have a beautiful home, Anna! Great job! :)

  2. congratulations anna!!!! well done!

    love the map pictures on your wall. :)

  3. anna! i absolutely love your house! you have a gift my friend.

  4. Hey thanks FRIENDS :) We like living here a lot.
